WELCOME to ErieBankruptcyBlog.com. Foster Law Offices is proud to offer a comprehensive online resource where our Erie readers can connect with the latest news in the bankruptcy industry and gain valuable information on filing Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Erie PA. In addition, you can give us feedback via the monthly poll question and share your stories through the comment portion of the site. Welcome from Mr. Debt Buster & the team at Foster Law Offices!

Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year From Foster Law Offices

2010 was a tough year for many Americans, and many of our clients. As the year comes to a close, we want to wish you a safe, happy and prosperous 2011!

Thank You for your support in 2010, we look forward to serving you in 2011!

H-A-P-P-Y  N-E-W  Y-E-A-R!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

New York State Says It's a "Good Bankruptcy Law"

Gov. David Paterson put New Yorkers first and the banking and debt collection industries second when he signed a bill that increases the value of property that people can retain when they declare bankruptcy or when creditors win judgments against them.

This sensible new law puts New York on a par with the rest of the nation. It allows people who hit hard times to keep at least the roof over their heads and the modest car that gets them to and from work.
New York already has a law that shields some debtor assets from creditors and bankruptcy trustees. But the actual dollar amounts in many provisions had not been updated since the 1980s, which means that the protections had seriously been eroded by inflation. Introduced by State Senator Eric Schneiderman, a Democrat of Manhattan, the new law increases the homestead exemption from $50,000 to either $75,000, $125,000 or $250,000, depending on the county of residence.

People who find themselves in deep financial trouble would also be able to keep one cellphone and one computer. The new law raises the value of an exempted automobile from $2,400 to $4,000 or $10,000 for a disabled debtor. The exemption would not apply in cases where the debt being enforced is for child support, spousal support, maintenance or alimony.

The Bloomberg administration argued that the automobile exemption would prevent them from towing some cars, which would make it impossible to collect outstanding traffic fines. The Senate responded by adding language that would void the exemption in cases where the municipality is the creditor. Members of the assembly have promised to do the same at the start of the next legislative session.
The new law will go a long way toward ensuring that bankruptcy or debt collection do not strip people of all they own, turning them into wards of the state.

Merry Christmas from Mr. DebtBuster

To all of our clients, family and friends... we would like to extend our sincerest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. Thank You for making 2010 a success. We look forward to serving you in 2011, and hope you enjoy your Christmas!

From our family to yours... Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year!

Mr. Debtbuster and the team at Foster Law Offices

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mortgage Modification Has Failed, Now What ?

So your mortgage modification failed, now what?
So you finished your application, provided the necessary documentation (4 Times!) and completed your “trial period”, but your mortgage modification was STILL DENIED.  Unfortunately this is a common theme among many American households.  CNN reported that more troubled homeowners have fallen out of trial mortgage modifications than have received long-term help, a new government report shows. 
In general the HAMP and HEMP mortgage modification programs created by the Obama Administration have been a bureaucratic nightmare for the applicants.  I have seen scores of clients with a paper trail a mile long looking to prove their diligence in the matter.  The problem is there is not much I can do to facilitate the mortgage modification process by the time they get to my office.  From what I can gather, the program was almost set up to fail.  At the end of the day, even if a potential applicant complies with EVERY requirement of the program, the mortgage company can STILL DENY the loan modification based upon an internal decision making process.  There are no “checks” or “balances” on the program and from what I have seen in my office, LONG TERM mortgage modifications are far and few between.  Essentially, if a mortgage modification is denied, there is no “appeal process” and a borrower is usually left in a very difficult spot.
I have seen a few individuals that legitimately made their way through the trial phase of the mortgage modification program only to be denied for a permanent loan modification.  I truly feel for these individuals as they were essentially lulled into a false sense of security on the matter.  They truly had no idea that the denial was even a possibility.  The client was left picking up the pieces in a “worst-case scenario” type of situation.
Even worse, I have seen clients that managed to get mixed up with scam mortgage modification companies.  There are scores of these companies on the Net and I have also seen them directly solicit business in a foreclosure situation.  These companies usually advise you to stop paying your mortgage while they “work it out”.  Of course, they require a large upfront fee before they begin the “negotiation process”.  For the most part, by the time my clients realized they were being scammed, it was too late.  I have seen scores of past clients fall deep into foreclosure or even lose their home altogether when these “companies” strike.  CNN has even done a piece on the growing epidemic. 
The best advice I can give to those considering mortgage modification is to tread lightly.  In other words, you MUST have a backup plan if, or likely when, the mortgage modification fails.  If you are in foreclosure, DO NOT “bank” on an ongoing modification application.  The longer to wait to get real help, the less likely it is that you will keep your home.  I have seen several clients wait for the mortgage modification “decision” almost up until the day before a sheriff sale.  Somehow, my clients were apparently led on to believe that the application was still being processed, while the bank’s attorney was “full steam ahead” with the foreclosure process. 
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing can create CERTAINTY in this chaotic situation.  Usually, I can tell my clients exactly where they will stand with their mortgage company and other creditors at the end of the bankruptcy process.  For instance, a Chapter 13 will immediately stop the foreclosure process with little exception.  My clients typically use Chapter 13 to “clean up” a botched mortgage modification attempt.  Chapter 13 can also eliminate or reduce other debt problems such as credit cards, personal loans, medical bills and the like; allowing my clients to focus all disposable income on saving their home.  Also, most people do not know that Chapter 13 can eliminate problematic, high interest, second mortgages in certain scenarios. All of these options are under the auspices of the United States Bankruptcy Courts.  In other words, creditors must act in a logical, legal way when a bankruptcy is filed and my clients no longer feel like a “leaf in the wind”.
 The only true way to know what is right for you and your family is to seek REAL HELP.  At the very least, you will leave from my office knowing what your realistic options are for the future.  Ignorance is NOT bliss when dealing with a failed mortgage modification.  I can tell you, without exception, the sooner you act, the better the odds will be of you saving your home.
DO NOT CONSTRUE THIS BLOG AS LEGAL ADVICE FOR YOUR SPECIFIC SITUATION. You must consult competent counsel for the answers to your FACT SPECIFIC scenario.
Feel free to contact my office today to discuss your situation with me personally at several convenient locations in Western Pennsylvania.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bankruptcy Myth Video Series

Foster Law Offices and WJET-TV are introducing a new line-up of Bankruptcy Myths to Be Busted in late 2010 and 2011. Foster Law Offices has been regarded as "Mr. Debtbuster" taking on the duty of dispelling common myths that surround Bankruptcy.

This December, we feature the medical bill myth. MYTH - "If you've got medical bills filing bankruptcy is NOT going to help". TRUTH is medical bills, credit card bills and personal loans CAN be discharged in bankruptcy.  This myth is extremely common and couldn't be farther from the truth. The Federal Bankruptcy Code does NOT designate special treatment in bankruptcy for medical bills. So let's put this myth to rest, YES medical bills CAN be discharged in bankruptcy.

Foster Law Offices Introduces Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Foster Law Offices introduces the Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog. Thanks for visiting our new blog - we are working hard to create the a comprehensive source for information on bankruptcy in Erie County including articles on Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and more.

Please be patient as we continue to improve the design and function of our new blog!