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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Michael Vick - Motivating Others After Bankruptcy

"It's not how you start, it's how you finish"... this is just one of the sayings printed on a shirt, part of Michael Vick's new clothing line - V7. Hard to believe 4 years ago, Vick filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and just 3 short years ago, Vick was serving an 18 month sentence for funding a dog fighting ring.

From digging out of debt to doing time, Vick is now listed one of Forbes Top Highest Paid Athletes, like a phoenix he has risen from the ashes and hopes his clothing line can aspire others who may be facing tough times to see the light at the end of the tunnel...


Monday, July 16, 2012

Weird Iowa Bankruptcy News.... Week of July 16th

This month there are several interesting bankruptcy heading from Iowa that will leave you shaking your heads from bankrupt monks to spongebob coins and everything in between... Here's the bizzare bankruptcy buzz from Iowa this week....

A cedar rapids based self proclaimed "monk" files a personal bankruptcy petition in December in Iowa, but since then Ryan St. Anne Scott has "essentially done nothing" federal officials require....
Read More: http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/judge-closes-the-book-on-monk-s-bankruptcy-case/article_1a5816c9-e6db-5389-ae20-5e836074986b.html#ixzz2164wADPX

In other news....

Peregrine Financial Group, Cedar-IA based firm is in hot water this week after the FBI seized some very interesting valuables from the firms' vault at their headquarters... What was so valuable you ask ?? The answer may surprise you... Silver Spongebob Square Pants coins minted by a private New Zealand company.

According to Reuters -- "Ira Bodenstein, the trustee in Peregrine's bankruptcy case in Chicago, said the coins were in a vault at the firm's Cedar Falls, Iowa, headquarters. The value of the takings was not immediately clear".

"The coin disclosure adds a new twist to the case of Peregrine Finiancial Group's CEO Russell Wasendorf Sr., who was arrested last Friday after he confessed to doctoring bank statements to make regulators think his futures brokerage had nearly twice the assets that it did, leaving customers with an estimated shortfall of over $200 million".

That's your bankruptcy buzz from Iowa...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ready, Set, Action! ... WJET-TV Commercial Shoot

 Ready, Set, Action! Step into the studio (...or should we say, behind the camera) with Foster Law Offices for their latest commercial shoot at the WJET-TV studios in Erie, PA. With tax season over, summer is in full swing and the team at Foster Law Offices are committed as ever with helping folks find relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Debt Relief is a serious and personal business and every day we work hard to help our clients sleep better at night and get the relief they desperately need. With thousands of hours spent in the office and in courtroom it is a breath of fresh air to step outside "the box" and into the studio. Interested in seeing more of the shoot? Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/PABankruptcy for more photos.

... and stay tuned, we will post our 2 new commercials shortly!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July from all of the staff at Foster Law Offices.

"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."

Author: H.S. Truman