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Monday, September 12, 2011

Kerry Katona - Celebrity Spokewoman for Going Broke??

According to a recent article published in The Sun...

KERRY Katona has been slammed for "inspiring" more women than ever to let themselves go bankrupt.

The reality TV star, 31, has been branded a "bankruptcy role model" following her well-publicised struggle to organise her finances.

And latest figures show that 14,827 women were declared broke in the second quarter of 2011 thanks to being unable to control spiralling credit and store card repayments in their bid to chase a WAG lifestyle.
Women now account for a record level of 48 per cent of personal insolvencies, with those aged 18 to 35 overtaking men for the first time.

Former I'm A Celebrity winner Kerry declared bankruptcy in 2008 over an £82,000 outstanding tax bill.
Mark Sands, head of personal insolvency at RSM Tenton, said: "People blame female money troubles on almost everything from a culture of consumption to alleged 'bankruptcy role models' such as Kerry Katona.
"Spending habits and attitudes to debt have changed over the past generation at the same time that women have achieved ever greater levels of financial independence.

"As women become more and more independent, lenders see them as a more and more lucrative market.
"There's an element of truth that the offer of buying handbags with pricey store cards is sending more and more women bust."

Read the original article here.


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