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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Saint Catherine Medical Center Files for Bankruptcy

A Pennsylvania medical center filed an emergency petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday according to national reports.

Saint Catherine Medical Center in Ashland, Pennsylvania filed for emergency protection following some serious issues facing the medical facility regarding serious deficiencies and safety violations putting patient health according to the Department of Health.

After the PA Department of Health uncovered these issues following an "un-announced" visit to the facilities an immediate ban on new admissions and a possible termination of their medicare agreement was placed on the facility.

The medical facility hired a local pennsylvania law firm to file the Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection petition and since the filing was of an emergency nature the list of creditors was not immediately available.

For more information on this story... visit Media Health Leaders.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Is The Media to Blame for "Pink Slime" Bankruptcy?

You may be asking yourself, "what?!?"... There seems to be alot of crazy bankruptcy news making headines these days and an April 4th blog entry published by Lilly Broadcasting  talking the topic of one company who filed bankrupcty citing the media coverage of "pink slime" is no exception.

"Pink Slime" is a slang term wideley by the media to define "lean, finely textured ground beef". Two words that, let's face it don't make the thought of biting into a burger a picturesque one for most...  The ongoing media attention surrounding "pink slime" and the wholesomeness of the lean, ground beef we are consuming these days has "dramatically decreased the demand for all ground beef products" - according to AFA's interim CEO, Ron Allan.

AFA was the first company to express publicly the damage that the controversial media coverage of "pink slime" has had on their business. The King of Prussia, PA based ground beef processor filed for bankruptcy protection citing the media coverage of pink slime as the cause.

What effect will this "pink slime" controversy have on us,  the consumer? Expect the price of ground beef to raise and the price of hot dogs to decrease as there is ovewhelming supply of "pink slime" available to service the hot dog industry - while experts predict that schools, grocery stores and consumers alike are going to be checking the labels of ground beef to make sure that "pink slime" isn't on the menu and for ground beef processor's there is nothing pretty about that.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What!?! Saving Money Means Setting Prisoners Free...

This is my what?!? blog entry of the week, ok maybe the month... I could barely believe the headlines myself.

"Bankruptcy Jailbreak in California"...

California Governor Jerry Brown is being faced to make some tough decisions amidst a budget crunch and pressure from the courts... his most recent decision has some people left shaking their heads, and asking what?!?  The governor is "re-aligning" the prisoner population, in other words - he is shifting inmates classified as low level offenders to serve their time at the county jail instead of the state prison. The re-alignment  has reduced the state prison population by 15 percent since last October!

So, you are thinking ok... facing debt means making tough decisions...

The problem is, many of California's county jails are already filled to capacity, and are having to release inmates well before their sentences have been served. This hot topic has passionate supporters and opponents on both side of the issue and no matter what side of the issue you are on... this sure is an "outside of the box" approach to tacking a debt-ridden budget in a State that has been in financial crisis for some time.

Free Financial Fitness For Erie Federal Credit Union Members

Erie Federal Credit Union Members can help their finances get fit - for free! Erie Federal Credit Union recently introduced members to a new benefit called BALANCE,  a financial fitness program. Also referred to as BalanceTrack, members can explore all elements of personal fitness online including links to learning modules and helpful resources to keep your finances fit!

The benefits also include free unbiased money management and certified financial couseling. For more invformation visit www.eriefcu.org or https://www.balancetrack.org.