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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Saint Catherine Medical Center Files for Bankruptcy

A Pennsylvania medical center filed an emergency petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday according to national reports.

Saint Catherine Medical Center in Ashland, Pennsylvania filed for emergency protection following some serious issues facing the medical facility regarding serious deficiencies and safety violations putting patient health according to the Department of Health.

After the PA Department of Health uncovered these issues following an "un-announced" visit to the facilities an immediate ban on new admissions and a possible termination of their medicare agreement was placed on the facility.

The medical facility hired a local pennsylvania law firm to file the Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection petition and since the filing was of an emergency nature the list of creditors was not immediately available.

For more information on this story... visit Media Health Leaders.


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