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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Octomom Files Bankruptcy

Octomom files bankruptcy! So, some of you may have seen this one coming... but what most of you didn't see coming was the amount of debt she racked up... how much, you ask?

Nadya Suleman also known as the "Octomom" has filed for bankruptcy, stating $962,000 in debt!

Thats right - almost a million bucks!

In an interview with the Orange County Register - the Octomom said "I have had to make some very difficult decisions this year, and filing Chapter 7 was one of them."

Suleman hopes that bankruptcy will give her family a much needed fresh start - currently she owed more than 20 times her net worth!

Suleman is filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which means a court-appointed trustee would liquidate her assets to pay off creditors before she is discharged from most of her debts.

Who does Suleman owe money to ? The list includes her father, the water department, a private school and DirecTV..... aSuleman also owes more than $30,000 in rent payments on her four-bedroom house.
While her debt continues to accrue, the single mother of 14 supports her children with the aid of food stamps and Social Security disability payments, she is unemployed.

Suleman's children were conceived through in vitro fertility treatments and her octuplets are the world's longest-surviving set.


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