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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blair Witch Producer Files Bankruptcy

Kevin J. Foxe, producer of The Blair Witch Project filed bankruptcy last month, stating he only has $900 to his name. This filing came as a shocker to many as The Blair Witch Project went on to make $248 million dollars and only cost $25,000 to produce. What went wrong?? That is a question you would have to ask Foxe himself, and when TMZ contacted Foxe for comment, he declined. What we do know is Foxe filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in a California court citing a laundry list of creditors which add up to more than $130,000 with the IRS being the largest debt - as Foxe owes more than $62,000 in unpaid taxes. Blair Witch and Octomom - back to back, quite a spring for celebrity bankruptcy...


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