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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Remember the "cantaloupe scare" last year ?? If not, let me refresh your memory... a Colorado farm was traced to a listeria outbreak in cantaloupe, one that was blamed for 32 deaths. In fact, the outbreak infected 146 people in over 28 states. According to Federal investigators old equipment and dirty, still pools of water were most likely to blame. Well, the Colorado Farm - Jensen Farms has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection according to a report released by the Associated Press. Their article states, "Jensen Farms declined to comment on its filing Friday. Its attorney Jim Markus told The Denver Post ( http://bit.ly/KTUDbK ) the filing should free up millions of dollars in insurance and other funds that could be distributed to victims." Furthermore, "Court documents show the farm had $4.8 million in revenue in the past 12 months. It lists $2.1 million in assets, $2.5 million in liabilities, and $1.6 million in payments outstanding from food distributor Frontera Produce" according to AP Reports. Looking to learn more about Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, visit Foster Law Offices online.


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