WELCOME to ErieBankruptcyBlog.com. Foster Law Offices is proud to offer a comprehensive online resource where our Erie readers can connect with the latest news in the bankruptcy industry and gain valuable information on filing Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Erie PA. In addition, you can give us feedback via the monthly poll question and share your stories through the comment portion of the site. Welcome from Mr. Debt Buster & the team at Foster Law Offices!

Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

Blogging about Bankruptcy Topics in Erie County & Erie, PA.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

June: Learn About Bankruptcy

We are declaring June,"Learn About Bankruptcy Month"... Check back every day as we will tackle a new topic daily. From Chapter 11 Bankruptcy to helpful forms and resources, we are here to make June a fun-filled month on our blog - with a focus on Bankruptcy. As always, it is important to mention that our blog is meant for entertainment and informational purposes only and is managed by the Marketing Department at Foster Law Offices, reading our blog does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship... Foster Law Offices, does, however offer a free initial consultation and with offices in Warren, Erie, Meadville and Franklin - we are only a short drive away. Give us a call and we will be glad to take a look at your unique financial situation... Bet you can hardly wait for tomorrow? Enjoy!


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