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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Is The Media to Blame for "Pink Slime" Bankruptcy?

You may be asking yourself, "what?!?"... There seems to be alot of crazy bankruptcy news making headines these days and an April 4th blog entry published by Lilly Broadcasting  talking the topic of one company who filed bankrupcty citing the media coverage of "pink slime" is no exception.

"Pink Slime" is a slang term wideley by the media to define "lean, finely textured ground beef". Two words that, let's face it don't make the thought of biting into a burger a picturesque one for most...  The ongoing media attention surrounding "pink slime" and the wholesomeness of the lean, ground beef we are consuming these days has "dramatically decreased the demand for all ground beef products" - according to AFA's interim CEO, Ron Allan.

AFA was the first company to express publicly the damage that the controversial media coverage of "pink slime" has had on their business. The King of Prussia, PA based ground beef processor filed for bankruptcy protection citing the media coverage of pink slime as the cause.

What effect will this "pink slime" controversy have on us,  the consumer? Expect the price of ground beef to raise and the price of hot dogs to decrease as there is ovewhelming supply of "pink slime" available to service the hot dog industry - while experts predict that schools, grocery stores and consumers alike are going to be checking the labels of ground beef to make sure that "pink slime" isn't on the menu and for ground beef processor's there is nothing pretty about that.


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