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Erie, PA Bankruptcy Blog

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Monday, April 2, 2012

What!?! Saving Money Means Setting Prisoners Free...

This is my what?!? blog entry of the week, ok maybe the month... I could barely believe the headlines myself.

"Bankruptcy Jailbreak in California"...

California Governor Jerry Brown is being faced to make some tough decisions amidst a budget crunch and pressure from the courts... his most recent decision has some people left shaking their heads, and asking what?!?  The governor is "re-aligning" the prisoner population, in other words - he is shifting inmates classified as low level offenders to serve their time at the county jail instead of the state prison. The re-alignment  has reduced the state prison population by 15 percent since last October!

So, you are thinking ok... facing debt means making tough decisions...

The problem is, many of California's county jails are already filled to capacity, and are having to release inmates well before their sentences have been served. This hot topic has passionate supporters and opponents on both side of the issue and no matter what side of the issue you are on... this sure is an "outside of the box" approach to tacking a debt-ridden budget in a State that has been in financial crisis for some time.


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